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Spilling the Coffee beans .. How much is too much?

The story about how coffee originated goes back to Ethiopia. Where tired and hungry goats stopped to nib on red cherries from a certain tree and they would be noted to get all hyped up and running in the mountainside. The knowledge about the energizing berries quickly spread around the world.

Now you can see why naming a coffee place "Dancing Goats" makes perfect sense.

The Arabic word "Qahweh", originally from Yemen, was borrowed into Ottoman Turkish "Kahve", Dutch "Koffie", and finally "Coffee" in the English language.

Sufis used the beverage as an aid for concentration, but many efforts to prohibit and ban this evil stimulating beverage emerged in the fifteenth century. Despite the ban, this intoxicating beverage kept gaining increased popularity all over the world.

In West Africa, Kola nuts are a rich source of caffeine. It is chewed as a stimulant and strengthener and is commonly served on ceremonial and social occasions.

In the 1880s Dr. John Pemberton, A pharmacist from Atlanta was experimenting with pain medicine recipes, as he struggled with morphine dependence after a sustained injury required him prolonged chronic pain control.

He used the extracted caffeine from kola nuts and added it to Coca alkaloid extract from Coca leaves to make a special beverage. He sold this beverage as an energizing refreshing fountain drink after adding carbonated soda to his formula, now known as the famous beverage Coca-Cola.

While Kola nuts extracts are not believed to be used in Coca-Cola drink formula nowadays, Coca-Cola still uses a special flavoring agent ( merchandise no. 5) that is extracted from Coca leaves which is, exclusively and legally, imported from Peru and Bolivia by Stepan Company in Maywood, N.J.

As part of its marketing strategy, Coca-Cola keeps its secret formula protected in a vault in Atlanta Coca-Cola museum.

How much Caffeine in your drink?

  • Read labels carefully: Many foods and beverages contain caffeine. It might not be always listed.

  • Time your last drink: Coffee after 4 pm might not be a good idea. If you found yourself having difficulty falling asleep. Try to adjust your last cup of coffee to be earlier in the day. This will require you to experiment on yourself.

  • Everyone is different Some people might be more sensitive even to lesser doses of caffeine. Do your math and experiment on yourself.

  • Curb your caffeine habit: especially if you noted on yourself an increased jitteriness, insomnia, or palpitations. You may want to slowly cut down on your daily intake.

Can Caffeine help you be more productive and boost your performance?

Yes and no.

If used wisely, you can use this addictive substance in your favor, and keep yourself from getting into the trap of negative dependence.

  • Give your body the time to naturally wake up and get into alertness mode before you drink your coffee. (after 10 am would be perfect)

  • If you know you have a long day ahead, drink your second cup of coffee sometime before your anticipated crash. it is less effective to drink coffee when you are exhuasted.

  • Take a nap after the second dose of caffeine. This combination of resting your body, and recharging your energy with a booster dose is perfect to maintain a high performance.

Favorite coffee recipe:

Cold brew is one of my favorite ways of making coffee.

It is highly caffeinated, less acidic, and has a distinct smooth flavor.

You need to keep the coffee steeped in cold water for 12 hours.

I use the Hario cold brew bottle from blue bottle Coffee. But any cold brewing maker will work perfectly.

  • Grind 70 grams of your favorite coffee beans on coarse setting.

  • Add water in a 7:1 ratio and scale according to your liking. ( that's close to 500 - 600 ml of water )

  • Leave the mix in the fridge for 12 hours.

  • Enjoy.

You can dilute with water or milk to your liking.

You can also make larger batches and still tastes perfect after few days.

Further reading:


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